Sever J. Voicu supervise actuellement la création d’une base de données pour recenser les textes faussement attribués à Jean Chrysostome. Financé par le “Louvain Centre for Eastern and Oriental Christianity” (LOCEOC), le projet a débuté en mai 2017. Il inclut les œuvres en langues orientales et slaves et prendra en compte la tradition indirecte (chaînes, florilèges, anthologies et centons). La base de données, qui comprendra près de mille textes, sera hébergée sur le prestigieux site Voici l’annonce complète :
Pseudo-Chrysostomica: An Online Database on the Texts Wrongly Attributed to John Chrysostom.
John Chrysostom, priest in Antioch until 397 and archbishop of Constantinople (398-404), died in exile on 14 September 407. His authentic oeuvre is very extensive, comprising mainly homilies, but also around 200 letters and a few treatises.
John Chrysostom’s genuine corpus has been enriched with a considerable number of spurious works created in and/or translated into a dozen ancient languages: Greek, Latin, Syriac, Armenian, Sahidic Coptic, Georgian, Arabic, Bohairic Coptic, Palestinian Aramaic, Nubian, Geez, Slavonic (including Slavic Languages).
Very little is known about these spuria and research on them has been hampered by several factors: there are no reliable figures (but they run into the thousands); many texts are still unpublished; some have been rewritten, shortened or supplemented; critical and comparative editions are few; provenance, date and authenticity have been rarely addressed…
The Pseudo-Chrysostomica project will primarily collect the known data about every textual form in an online database that, in turn, will become a tool for further research.
In due course, the database will also include the indirect tradition as witnessed by catenae, florilegia and secondary works (anthologies and centones).
The Pseudo-Chrysostomica project, starting on 1 May 2017, is sponsored by the Louvain Centre for Eastern and Oriental Christianity (LOCEOC). The database is hosted by the prestigious platform Trimegistos at The project is supervised by Sever J. Voicu, known expert on Chrysostom’s spuria.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Marie-Ève Geiger (19 octobre 2017). Projet “Pseudo-Chrysostomica” Chrysostomos. Consulté le 2 décembre 2024 à l’adresse
Ping : The Pseudo-Chrysostomica database is now online – Roger Pearse